The two hit it off immediately as man and wolf, but Dakota fears Sam won't be so understanding when he sees what he truly is. When Dakota shifts in front of Sam, the sparks fly, but Dakota's past and pack threaten their new-found relationship.
4.75 STARS
This is actually part of a series but you can read it as a stand alone. I really like this author the stories are a little fast but I swear this is the first author that I've read that it doesn't bother me at all. I loved this book it's funny, sexy, and enough drama in it to keep me hooked.
We got Dakota whom we met in the previous book (but only a little)
whose a werewolf, but a fun werewolf, I loved this guy he's so adorable and he's been through so much, he even gets hit by a truck driven by none other than Sam. Sam is a government assassin we have met him in previous stories. Their chemistry is sexy but so cute too, I don't want to give away any of the story but I swear this one is adorable.
My favorite part of the three books I have read by Sandrine Gasq-Dion is the first two were contemporary no paranormal stuff in them ( except a fortune teller in the first one) but then in this one the story is so smooth that I really didn't think anything of this one being about wolves, now that's some Frickin Awesome writing. I recommend this book and any of the previous ones by this author, you will not be disappointed.
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